When can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty? - OpticBridge

When can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty?

When can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty?

After a rhinoplasty, patients can immediately return home to start recovering. Every day, the bruises will get lighter. Keep in mind that because the skin is thinner there, the swelling at the bridge and in the top portions of the nose will subside more quickly. It will take some time for the nose tip swelling.

Swelling is common and its resolution depends on its complexity. Of course, if you have a lot of broken noses, a dislocated nasal septum, and the entire nose has to be basically disassembled and rebuilt, you'll have a little more swelling and bruising... but then it will go away again. It won't take 3 or 4 weeks. Usually around 7 to 10 days. you look better every day In my own experience with rhinoplasty, the appearance of my nose improved significantly 9-10 days after surgery, but not as much as after a week or 10 days. Swelling continues. 

The basic healing process for rhinoplasty is similar to other procedures on the body. Actually, it's about 3 months and 100 days, but it's not like it's gone in 3 or 4 weeks. They look great, but the nose keeps getting better and better. That means it's getting smarter, more sophisticated, and more consistent with the predicted results. Remember that nature works best when there is no manipulation or massage and the nose is free of various tapes and other things.Nature prefers to be left alone to promote the best healing. increase. 


Wearing Glasses After Nose Surgery

If you wear glasses or sunglasses and are one of many people considering rhinoplasty, wearing glasses on your nose while recovering from nose surgery is very dangerous and not recommended. The tension of the weight of the glasses causes the bones to shift and bend, requiring more medical corrective action. After removing the cast, do not wear glasses (including sunglasses) directly over your nose for about 4-8 weeks after surgery.  


The Solution to Wearing Glasses During the Nose Recovery

If you need to wear your glasses during this recovery period, OpticBridge Glasses Holder is ideal solution for you. The OpticBridge lifts glasses off the nose so you can get comfortably heal without putting pressure on your nose.  OpticBridge products are designed to alleviate all pressure and contact associated with glasses. Designed for rhinoplasty recovery, nose surgery recovery, septoplasty, mohs surgery and daily use.

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