What to Expect During Rhinoplasty Recovery & Nose Surgery Recovery - OpticBridge

What to Expect During Rhinoplasty Recovery & Nose Surgery Recovery

Rhinoplasty Recovery & Nose Surgery Recovery

First, it is important to understand that it can take up to a year for the swelling to completely subside and for the final shape of the new nose to take shape. Most patients will notice a gradual change in appearance in the first few weeks as the tissue heals and the swelling continues to diminish.

The soft tissue of the nose tends to keep swelling longer than most other parts of the body. Significant differences can be seen after 3-4 weeks, but it can take several months before the final nasal contour appears.

For most rhinoplasty patients, the surgical site is stuffed inside or fixed with a splint, and the outside of the nose is covered with a bandage to protect and support the new nose shape. .. This bandage usually needs to be left for a week, after which the surgeon removes the bandage and all seams.

Pain and swelling are most pronounced in the first week after surgery, and bruising and tenderness on the cheeks and under the eyes can occur for 1-2 weeks, but usually heals.

In addition, your surgeon will provide you with specific and detailed postoperative instructions. This includes follow-up care, dosing schedules, and concerns to monitor. If you follow these instructions, you will get the best possible results.

Glasses After Nose Surgery

OpticBridge Rhinoplasty Glasses Holder is designed to instantly lift and sustain glasses away from the nose bridge, preventing eyewear contact with the nasal bones. Give your nose relief from wearing glasses for rhinoplasty, nose surgery, septoplasty, mohs surgery, nose job and everyday use.

Rhinoplasty Glasses Holder

Designed to eliminate eyewear contact with the nasal bones and comfortably keep glasses from touching the nose, OpticBridge alleviates nose pressure, nose indents and nose contact caused by wearing glasses.

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