Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline - OpticBridge

Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline


You might be anxious to see the results of your rhinoplasty (nose surgery) immediately after, yet the recuperation interaction takes time. During this time, there are steps you can take to speed things up and guarantee that everything recuperates appropriately.

What to expect during your nose surgery recovery

The average rhinoplasty recovery time is one year. That may sound like a long time, but it becomes much more manageable when it’s broken down into a timeline. The following recovery milestones may vary from patient to patient, but generally, it goes something like this:

1 Week: The splint can be removed from your nose and you can go out in public without showing noticeable signs of surgery unless there is bruising around the eyes. This may take 2 weeks to resolve. It is safe to resume activities of daily living.

2 Weeks: The majority of the facial swelling has subsided and most of the bruising should have resolved.

3-4 Weeks: You can safely return to cardiovascular activities such as jogging, swimming and cycling.

6 Weeks: The bones are stable, you can resume resistance workouts (weight lifting), wearing glasses and blowing your nose.

3-6 months: The numbness and abnormal sensations in your nose and nasal skin should be resolved.

1 Year: The healing process is complete – swelling should have subsided entirely and the nose’s new shape is fully refined.

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